Necropolítica seguido de Sobre el gobierno privado indirecto
Achille Mbembe (Autor)
El nuevo capitalismo del siglo XXI se rige por la "necropolítica" y el "gobierno privado indirecto". Ahora impera una nueva concepción de la soberanía: la de aquellos actores internacionales que deciden quién debe vivir y quién debe morir en un momento dado, atendiendo a criterios estrictamente económicos. Y las nuevas guerras, en consecuencia, son actos bélicos nomádicos que realizan empresas privadas –en connivencia o no con los Estados, poco importa...– que no buscan obtener territorio ni someter a las poblaciones; tan sólo afianzar recursos estratégicos y obtener beneficios inmediatos a cualquier coste...
The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo.
Saskia Sassen (Autora)
This classic work chronicles how New York, London, and Tokyo became command centers for the global economy and in the process underwent a series of massive and parallel changes. What distinguishes Sassen's theoretical framework is the emphasis on the formation of cross-border dynamics through which these cities and the growing number of other global cities begin to form strategic transnational networks. All the core data in this new edition have been updated, while the preface and epilogue discuss the relevant trends in globalization since the book originally came out in 1991.
Competition and efficiency in international food supply chains: improving food security
John Williams (Autor)
Why have food crises seemingly become more frequent in recent years, compared to the last few decades? This book examines an array of different issues and distortions that are causing food supply chain dysfunction in many countries, particularly for staple non-perishable foods such as grains, oilseeds, pulses and sugar. It outlines the underlying changes that are currently occurring, which will have an influence on the direction of future food supply chains, and provides some solutions to current food security problems. Based on an analysis of total regulation in the 1950s-60s through to deregulation during the 1980-90s, as well as post-deregulation, it focuses on liberal trade and deregulation as a more successful solution to creating efficiencies in food supply chains and distribution. The author highlights a common thread of either farmers using government for vested-interest intervention, or autocratic governments seeking market and supply-chain power...
Port management and operations
Maria G. Burns (Autora)
With 80 percent of the world’s commodities being transported by water, ports are the pillars of the global economy. Port Management and Operations offers readers the opportunity to enhance their strategic thinking and problem-solving skills, while developing market foresight. It examines global port management practices at the regulatory, commercial, technological, operational, financial, and sociopolitical levels.
Port management
Hercules E. Haralambides (Editor)
Port Management brings together a collection of seminal papers from Palgrave’s journal Maritime Economics and Logistics. It is a dynamic volume, containing contributions from leading authors with different disciplinary backgrounds, representing a vast regional diversity. The volume provides authoritative and timely investigations into key topics in port economics, including research on: global supply chains, port networks, choice modelling, port infrastructure, competition, port pricing, efficiency in European seaports, and an analysis of Chinese container ports. It is essential reading for professionals, scholars, and researchers interested in port economics.
Operations and supply chain management
F. Robert Jacobs & Richard B. Chase. (Autores)
Operations and Supply Chain Management, 16e is a comprehensive breadth of Operations Management and Supply Chain, with a moderate emphasis on quantitative coverage. It covers relevant and current Operations Management issues with a focus on economic and global economy, analytics content that ties decisions to relevant data using math models, and appropriate strategies to solve real world problems. This sixteenth edition demonstrates what companies are doing to create a competitive advantage in the marketplace and also provides students with a set of more applicable skills and tools. Hot topics in business today that relate to operations and supply chain management are reducing the cost of supply chain processes, integration and collaboration with customers and suppliers, sustainability, and minimizing the long-term cost of products and processes. These hot topics are studied in the book to clarify the "big picture" -- What these topics are and why they are important to business today.
Israeli politics and the middle east peace process, 1988-2002
Hassan A. Barari (Autor)
The book is a fresh interpretation of Israeli foreign policy vis-à-vis the peace process, one that deems domestic political factors as the key to explain the shift within Israel from war to peace. The main assumption is that peacemaking that entails territorial compromise is an issue that can only be completely comprehended by understanding the interaction of domestic factors such as inter-party politics, ideology, personality and the politics of coalition. Although the bulk of the book focuses on how internal inputs informed the peace process, the book takes into account the external factors and how they impacted on the internal constellation of political forces in Israel.
A political and diplomatic history of afghanistan 1863-1901
M. Hassan Kakar. (Autor)
This political and diplomatic history of late nineteenth-century Afghanistan and its major ethnic groups lays bare how the ground was laid for the emergence of Afghanistan as a nation-state as well as for the implementation of schemes of modernization.
It describes how Amir Sher 'Ali Khan and, more fully, Amir 'Abd al-Rahman Khan for the first time consolidated the authority of the central government at the expense of the traditional autonomous local magnates, and thus managed to organize a centralized monarchical state and extend its direct rule thoughout Afghanistan.
They did so in the days of what has become known as The Great Game for the mastery of Central Asian states. Although The Great Game resulted in the reduction of Afghanistan in size, it also led to the clear demarcation of its boundaries in accordance with international agreements.
África después de la Guerra Fría: la promesa rota de un continente
Mark Huband (Autor)
En este libro, el periodista Mark Huband sostiene que la implicación extranjera en África ―por parte de las potencias coloniales, ciertas iniciativas económicas, los políticos reformistas y los protagonistas de la Guerra Fría― ha sido uno de los acontecimientos más catastróficos para la historia de ese continente. Según Huband, las calamidades que se han sucedido allí desde el final de la Guerra Fría son el legado de esa presencia, y África sólo podrá alcanzar la estabilidad si se permite que sean los propios africanos quienes busquen las soluciones para sus problemas. Huband afirma que el fin de la Guerra Fría puede suponer para África una posibilidad de alcanzar la independencia que no pudo lograr plenamente cuando los poderes europeos se desvincularon de sus antiguas colonias.
Historia global de América Latina: del siglo XXI a la independencia
Héctor Pérez Brignoli Autor)
En esta obra destinada a convertirse en un hito en la historiografía de América Latina, Héctor Pérez-Brignoli deja de lado el tradicional planteamiento "desde el origen hasta nuestros días" para arrojar luz sobre la historia del continente desde el momento presente. Realiza esta admirable tarea de síntesis valiéndose con rara habilidad de un original enfoque múltiple. Así, el devenir de América Latina como comunidad se combina con el examen de experiencias individuales significativas como las de Heitor Vila-Lobos y Antonio Berni, músico brasileño y pintor argentino respectivamente, pero también con la perspectiva de la sociedad moderna interrelacionada, global, que no soslaya la presencia del poderoso vecino del norte. La perspectiva del viajero y la del "flâneur" (inspirada por Walter Benjamin), así como el diálogo permanente entre miradas y perspectivas diversas, y el hallazgo de hilos conductores relevantes y significativos acaban haciendo de este empeño una obra de referencia.